2020 WSWRA Annual Conference Information

WSWRA 2020 Conference Logo

*** COVID-19 Update***:  WSWRA has currently canceled the 2020 in person conference in Casper Wyoming.  We will be providing online spotlight sessions to cover important topics in the Waste and Recycling industry.  More information will be coming soon about these sessions and packages to attend.


2020 Annual Membership Meeting Information:

The Wyoming Solid Waste & Recycling Associations (WSWRA) 2020 Annual Membership Meeting will be held online via a google meet webinar (a service similar to Zoom, it is recommended to login 5 minutes early to ensure proper login and connection).  This Meeting is scheduled for Thursday August 20th at 11:00 AM MST.

To view this online meeting follow these two options:

Voting will be done online this year for Annual Board Elections:

2020 Annual Membership Agenda:

  • Discuss WSWRA’s plans for alternatives online sessions that will be offered in place of the 2020 conference.
  • Elections for Open Board Positions:
    • We have 3 positions open for elections this year.  Members of WSWRA are invited to place themselves on the ballot for a board member position.  These commitments are a 3 year commitment. If you are interested in a position please contact a board member or reply to this email.
      • Heather Overholser currently holds a City / County seat and will not be running for re-election.
        • Ron Taylor from Uinta County has placed himself on the Ballot for the City / County Seat.
        • Open for additional nominations.
      • Jerry Hamel is running for reelection for a Member at Large Seat
        • Jerry Hamel is running for reelection
        • Open for additional nominations.
      • Dennis Pino currently holds a Diversion / Recycling seat, and is unknown if he is running for re-election.
        • Matt Dillion from Ray Lovato Recycling Center has placed himself on the Ballot for the Recycling Seat.
        • Open for additional nominations.
      • We have an open Seat on for Recycling.  This seat is currently filling for 1 additional year on a 3 year term.  Note this is an appointable position if unfilled.
        • No Applicants Yet
        • Open for additional nominations.
      • Please let us know ASAP if you are interested in running for any of the above positions.  We welcome all of those that are interested!  We will be emailing a digital ballot during the meeting.
  • Other business action items as needed.

Financial and Board Meeting Minutes for Rewiew: Click on the below links to view the documents:

2020 Membership Meeting Agenda.

August 29, 2019 WSWRA meeting minutes  Copy of 2019FinancialStatement

Lets get ready for 2021!

The Wyoming Solid Waste & Recycling Associations (WSWRA) 2021 Annual Conference will be held in Saratoga Wyoming. The WSWRA Annual Conference is the premier location for all in the Waste and Recycling industries to meet, network, learn and socialize. The event is a multi day event that focuses on training and education in the Solid Waste and Recycling industry. The conference is geared toward: Landfill Managers, Landfill Operators, Recycling Processors, Non Profit Recyclers, Equipment Operators, Decision Makers, Government Officials, Drivers and others that are involved in all levels in the Waste and Recycling Industry.


2020 Sponsors:  A huge shout out to our annual sponsors!  Since the 2020 in person conference has been canceled, sponsors have the option to only be charged for one year of sponsorship that covers the 2020 conference and the 2021 conference.

Platinum Level Conference Sponsors:

Gold Level Conference Sponsors:

Silver Level Conference Sponsors:


Bronze Level Conference Sponsors:





View Past Conferences Archives Here