Wyoming Solid Waste & Recycling Association
Call for Presentations for the 2021 Annual WSWRA Conference
The Wyoming Solid Waste and Recycling Association (WSWRA) Annual Conference will be held August 17-20th in Casper Wyoming at the Clarion Inn at Platte River. The WSWRA Board expects an attendance of 125 to 170 participants, including solid waste professionals from both the public and private sectors, as well as local elected officials. WSWRA is seeking presentation proposals for both concurrent and general attendance sessions.
Information on this conference can be found on our event page: https://wswra.com/2021-annual-conference-information/
Topics of interest to WSWRA members include:
- All Areas
- Safety
- Future of Industry
- Lessons Learned
- Motivational speakers and leadership
- How to increase efficiency while reducing cost
- Effect of COVID-19 to the industry
- Personnel
- Hiring challenges, Wage discussions
- Landfills
- Full cost accounting for landfills
- Operation of Construction and Demolition landfills, proper screening and inspection, Chapter 4 rule changes (WDEQ)
- Landfill airspace calculation; correct ways to compact and cover for new operators
- Landfill closure/waste relocation costs.
- Cell construction.
- Loose vs. bale fill – pros and cons
- How to address bird and litter problems at landfills
- Landfill Nature and Extent of Contamination – discussion of process, guidance or lessons learned
- Assessment of Corrective Measures – what is ACM, discuss the process, guidance from other states
- Carcass disposal, wildlife disease, G&F regional carcass disposal planning. CWD.
- Stormwater compliance.
- MOLO Information and Training
- Landfill GPS and integrating it into Landfill operations
- Highlight small landfill closures
- Solid Waste Transfer Stations
- Solid Waste Transfer Station best practices and efficiency
- Overcoming political barriers to regionalization of waste handling
- Waste hauling
- Routing Systems, Automatic Vehicle Location Systems and Work Order Systems
- Flow control—what is it and why is it important
- Pay As You Throw
- Truck spec development
- Hauling ops – best practices, industry trends, product development
- Waste reduction, recycling and composting
- Curbside recycling options and challenges
- Lifecycle example
- Extended Producer Responsibility
- Recycling market updates and the China effect
- Recycling best practices
- Hard to Recycle programs – construction & demolition, carpet, mattresses, textiles, etc.
- Food waste composting – Collection, processing, end markets, education, training
- Waste Diversion Data Collection and Reporting
- C&D Waste: Deconstruction & separating, recycling demolition waste, cost effectiveness of C&D transport
- Tire recycling
- Electronic Recycling, best practices and costs.
- Recycling Equipment.
- International view of recycling/politics and economics
- Funding mechanisms for recycling facilities
- Composting / Green Waste
Please complete this form and email to Beau Peck, WSWRA Executive Assistant, email bpeck@wswra.com by June 1st 2021 Contact Beau at (801) 381-3990 with any questions. If there are technical problems with the form, provide all requested information in a separate document or via email
Click here for the sign up form:
Call for Presentations 2020 2021