Annual Conference
The WSWRA conference in late summer features educational opportunities, networking with the people that make solid waste management and recycling programs work in Wyoming, new products and service demonstrations from vendors, updates on regulations and future plans, state certification tests for landfill operators and managers.
Used News
A quarterly newsletter keeps members abreast of the goings on in the state with highlights from the region and national news. Board minutes and WSWRA finances are also printed in the newsletter.
Shared Success
Members are often invited to visit other communities to share proven practices and success with solid waste and recycling organizations.
EPA, DEQ and other grants and funding opportunities are accessible.
Local and state laws affecting solid waste and recycling programs are proposed, critiqued, discussed, and improved in WSWRA workshops and legislative efforts.
Recycling Awards & Promotion
Annual awards are given to key recycling individuals and organizations in the state.