2020-2021 Spotlight Conference Sessions:
Just because the 2020 in person event was canceled, does not mean that you can not still gain important industry knowledge at the comfort of your desk! Your 2020 membership will be your ticket for these events! We have replaced the in person conference with several Spotlight Conference Sessions. These Spotlight Conference Sessions are about one hour each, and will have one presentation each month. These sessions are reserved for current members of WSWRA. If you would like to renew your membership, please contact Beau Peck at bpeck@wswra.com to renew your membership or to sign up for all of the sessions.

WSWRA May 2021 Spotlight Session:
May 11th, 11:00 AM
Kevin Andresen / Pat Tierney: Revolution Systems
Virtual Tour of a Revolution Systems Recycling Sorting Unit in Steamboat Springs.
“Skip the drive and come to sunny Colorado for 45 minutes or so. Revolution Systems will be presenting a virtual tour of its Steamboat Springs, Material Recovery Facility. The system is less than a third of the cost of a full-sized MRF, costs a third less to operate, and requires a third of the space. The patented plant, featured at the 2019 EPA Innovation Fair, was designed to serve small towns far from conventional MRFs, but has been used in larger communities to save transportation costs and by thrift stores to sort donated consumer goods. In 2021, Revolution will install three systems in the Rocky Mountain West, the Midwest and on the East coast. The interactive tour will cover the plant from start to finish and include features not possible in a conventional tour. Skip the hardhat and the PPE and enjoy the show!”
“Pat Tierney, your tour guide has 30 years of industrial manufacturing experience including 12 years in the Waste and Recycling Industry.”

Pat Tierney has spent over 25 years growing small, international businesses. He has served as president or general manager of units of industrial companies such as Eaton, Danaher, CNH (formerly Case Corporation) and Berkshire Hathaway. As manager of several businesses that employed as many robots as people, he developed a
specialty in the targeted use of technology. He added robots at one business and “fired” robots at two others. In 2007, as a consultant, board member and chairman, he took on the growth strategies for a recycling equipment company, an environmental remediation equipment company and a waste hauling equipment company, generating strategies, negotiating licensing relationships, helping to launch new products and serving as interim CEO. In 2011, he co-founded Revolution Systems to solve the challenges of recycling in America’s heartland. Pat graduated from the US Naval Academy and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School. He holds two patents.
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Past WSWRA Spotlight Sessions:
WSWRA October 2020 Spotlight Session:
Safety, Insurance and Risk Management- What Recycling / Waste Business Owners Need to Know
Speaker: John Schumacher- Assurance / Marsh Agency
October 6th 2020:
The insurance marketplace has experienced significant shifts in the past 12 months and has impacted recycling businesses in a large way. This seminar will discuss what professionals can expect in the insurance market and how safety can favorably impact your business and your next insurance renewal. There are several new factors that are affecting insurance markets for Solid Waste and Recycling professionals. What items need improvement at your facility? What are others in the industry changing in their programs to minimize risk? This is a must attend meeting that can help your operation financially and keep your employees safe, not a sales pitch.
- Insurance Marketplace- 2020
- Key safety programs for recycling businesses
- How to manage risk and transfer it effectively

John Schumacher has 25+ years’ experience as a Safety Professional and Insurance Broker and focuses on insurance and risk management solutions for the waste & recycling industry.
John has a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Safety and has earned designations of Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist (CLCS).
Jschumacher@assuranceagency.com 847.463.7224
To View the Video from this online presentation Click Here: John Schumacher – October 2020 Safety Presentation
WSWRA February 2021 Spotlight Session:
February 2nd 11:00 AM
Brent Learch: HDR
Perks and Pitfalls of Implementing Liquids Programs at MSW Landfills
For many years, industrial facilities have been experiencing challenges finding disposal options for their non-hazardous liquid wastes. With local wastewater treatment plants limiting, or surcharging, the total volume of liquids accepted, generators have begun exploring non- conventional disposal methods in an attempt to handle their liquid wastes. In fact, some are even reaching out to their community landfills. With landfill owners knowing full well that Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills cannot accept liquid wastes, some facilities have begun brainstorming potential solutions to accept the liquid wastes and increase revenue through the new waste stream. With the assistance of an absorbent material, most commonly coal combustion residue, some landfill facilities are able to accept these liquid wastes by mixing the liquids with an absorbent material and apply the solidified waste mixture within the lined footprint of their landfill. The acceptance of this material not only increases the potential revenue for a facility, the solidified waste mixture is an advantageous material to use when constructing access roads and tipping pads within the lined landfill area. This presentation will provide real world examples and summaries of the steps required to implement a liquids solidification program at a MSW landfill, including regulatory requirements, siting, operations, potential challenges, constraints, and lessons learned.
Second Presentation following right after Brent’s Presentation:
Christina Beermann: HDR
The Role of Social Listening in Developing Impactful Waste Education Campaigns
With many communities still reeling from major recycling and COVID-19 market disruptors, an impactful education campaign can make all the difference. When it comes to understanding
public sentiment and perception on any topic, there is no better place to start than the World Wide Web. With billions of active users engaging on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more, the internet is no stranger to open dialogue on pressing issues like waste diversion, recycling, illegal dumping, and more. So, what exactly are Wyoming communities saying and how can we use this information to create effective outreach campaigns tailored to local markets?
This presentation will cut through the clutter and show how one Social Listening tool can hone in on a specific issue being discussed online across various social communities, and why this data
matters. We’ll present key findings from a Wyoming-specific social listening exercise to assess public sentiment on critical industry topics and explain what we can do with this data. As waste industry professionals, it’s easy to assume we know how waste-related topics are being discussed – but how accurate are our assumptions? Attendees will walk away with a new, clear understanding of what, how, where, and why discussions around recycling and waste disposal are taking place, and what matters most to our Wyoming communities. We will discuss how data is gathered, what the outputs tell us, and why this information matters to waste and recycling programs.
WSWRA March 2021 Spotlight Session:
March 2nd, 11:00 AM
Travis Evans: Trihydro
Small Landfill Closure – Final Cover System Options and Considerations
Mr. Evans has 20 years of experience in a range of areas including project management, construction management, surveying, transportation, design, and contract document preparation. This experience includes designing and overseeing construction of water, wastewater, and stormwater systems; building facilities, landfills, and roadway reconstruction projects. He has proven experience in managing projects which requires coordinating between multiple stakeholders, subconsultants, and regulatory agencies. Over the last ten years, Travis has led the permitting, design, construction, CQA services related to permitting greenfield landfills, transfer stations, landfill closures, and the expansion of existing landfills. He has served as design engineer or certifying engineer for over 300 acres of landfill cell or landfill closure projects utilizing geomembranes and alternative final cover systems. His clients include publicly held solid waste companies, municipalities, and solid waste districts throughout Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, and Montana. Examples of solid waste projects includes the permitting of the Western Nebraska Regional Landfill, Columbia Ridge Site Development Plan Update, Grasslands Environmental Industrial Landfill; Happy Jack Landfill Expansion; various projects for the Casper Regional Landfill; High Country Joint Powers Board Landfill Closure and Convenience Center; Lincoln County #2 Landfill Expansion; Teton County Waste Relocation Project; City of Sheridan Cell 9 CQA; Upper Platte River Solid Waste District Landfill Closure; City of Rawlins Landfill Closure; Town of Lusk Landfill Closure; Town of Wheatland Landfill Closure, City of Laramie Landfill Expansion, Town of Hulett Landfill Closure, and Eden
Valley Solid Waste District Landfill Closure.
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: In recent years, small (10-20 acres) landfill closures have become prevalent in Wyoming and surround states. There are several final cover system options that landfill operators may consider when closing their landfill. This presentation will present several landfill closure case studies which utilize different final cover system designs. Final cover systems which will be discussed include flexible membrane liner, water balance cover, and compacted soil liner systems. Costs, advantages, disadvantages, and site-specific consideration for each final cover system type will also be presented.
WSWRA April 2021 Spotlight Session:
April 6th 2021, 11:00 AM
Jerry Williams: Mack / CMI Teco

Proper specifications of refuse trucks.
Jerry Williams is with the MACK truck dealership in Casper. Jerry will be doing a presentation in regards to proper specifications of refuse trucks. If you are in the market to adding a refuse truck to your fleet in the next few years, this presentation will help with balancing needs and wants for your equipment. The Wyoming environment is harsh, making sure your equipment is build our local needs is critical. Join us for this next Spotlight Session on making sure your trucks are built to your tough needs.
WSWRA April 2021 Spotlight Session:
April 28th 2021 , 10:00 AM
Morgan Wardell: Stanec (Formally Wenck)
Topic: Waste Relocation
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