2018 Conference Technical Session Presentations


Key Note: Stormwater Permitting & Compliance for Solid Waste Facilities– Alex Zimmerman, Creative Courses

Lessons Learned -Design, Construction, and Operation of City of Casper’s Closed Balefill Gas Collection & Control System (GCCS)– Andrew Wang, Jason Knopp, Bill Hensley, Mark McClainand Cindie Langston; Golder Associates, Edge Engineering, & Peak GeoSolutions

Does Digging up your Landfill make Sense — Ken Schreuder, Trihydro

Feasibility of Waste Relocation — Mark McClain, Golder Associates

Sorting Equipment Location and Selection: How Value, Automation and Movement Influence MRF Cost, Design and Location– Patrick Tierney, Revolution Systems

Put your hands on safety demonstration–  Myra Peak, Peak Environmental

Biotic Soil Amendments for landfill closure–  Alex Zimmerman, Creative Courses

Recycling Market Updates / What has the National Sword done to Recycling?– Beau Peck & Scott Simar, Interwest Paper, Inc.

“The China Effect” Roundtable Discussion – China’s tightened contamination laws and keeping your recycling program going long-term– Craig McOmie, WDEQ Facilitator

3rd Eye Mobile Vision, Proper operation of 360 camera coverage & radar detection on refuse trucks– Paul Scott, 3rd Eye Mobile Vision

Developing a bid spec for trash trucks– Jerry Williams, CMI-Teco/MackTrucks

Right-sizing your MSW and recycling collection fleets– Jerry Williams, McNeilus Bodies

Maximize your Markets! Learn about resources for market research and make the best decisions about your recyclable commodities– Virginia Till, EPA Region 8 and University of Wyoming students Presleigh Hayashida and Rob Joyce

Proper operation of mobile equipment in landfill & collection operations– Dave King, Ameritech Equipment Co., Jon Loftis, Labrie Enviroquip

Cost-effectiveness of unlined C&D landfills– Steve Moldt, Inberg-Miller Engineers

WDEQ Updates– Luke Esch

Best Management Practices for WDEQ Inspections and C&D screening– Bob Breuer, WDEQ